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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Producers Of 'Black Swan' Say Natalie Portman Did Most Of The Dancing!

    This argument is starting to get nasty.

    I reported a few days ago that Natalie Portman's dance double in 'Black Swan', Sarah Lane, has been saying the actress only did 5% of the dancing work! Straight away, Natalie's fiance/baby daddy/choreographer of the movie, Benjamin Millipied came out and said, if anything she had done "85%" of the work!

    Now producers say although Sarah did put a lot of work in, Natalie still did most of the performing:
    "We were fortunate to have Sarah there to cover the more complicated dance sequences and we have nothing but praise for the hard work she did. However, Natalie herself did most of the dancing featured in the final film."

    Dancer Sarah has claimed that the producers wanted people to think Natalie became a ballerina in one year, as it would help her to win an Oscar.

    Do you think Sarah's telling the truth? As usual Natalie is poised and has refrained from commenting on the situation. Negativity isn't good for the baby!

    Source URL: https://wallpaperhelenmiren.blogspot.com/2011/03/producers-of-swan-say-natalie-portman.html
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